Utthita Trikonasana: Extended Triangle Asana

Utthita Trikonasana: Extended Triangle Asana

Article submitted by Terri McDermott, E-RYT500, IYTA, SOYA Lead Faculty utthita = extended, tri = three, kona = angle; trikona = triangle Many yoga asanas are named after animals and were developed based upon yogis’ observations of them in their environment....
Vrksasana Partner Pose

Vrksasana Partner Pose

Vrksasana, or Tree Pose, is one of the most popular balance postures in many asana classes, for good reason. As we are entering into February, and many partner classes are popping up in my newsfeed, I thought it would be fun to write about how to practice this pose...

Warrior ll

Warrior II – Getting off the straight and narrow By Rebecca Stone, RYT500, SOYA Lead trainer In this day and age, we are learning quickly that “one size fits all” is often not the best idea.  Warrior Two is a fantastic example, as we step back into the pose....


Vasishthasana: Name of Sage Pose Most yoga poses seem to be named after an animal, reptile, tree, or something that resembles and gives essence to the pose. Like a tree reflects stability, strength, and solid growth. However there are several yoga poses that have a...

Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

“Matsyasana” means Fish pose in Sanskrit. It is a back-bending pose that opens the chest, neck and shoulder muscles. Backbends, like fish pose, can relieve the back pain from sitting all day at your desk or in your car. Matsyasana and all of the gentle variations...